It's all about me

I'm a 20-something former competitive skater turned journalist turned communications professional. I write for a living and ramble on the side through my blog. 

I used to live in Ontario until one day, I packed my life into my car and chased a 10-year dream to live on the west coast. Some days, it still feels surreal - except the days it's raining. They feel wet. Very, very wet.

In my spare time, when I'm not coming up with blog posts, I binge watch Netflix, run the seawall, relive the glory days via a recreational synchronized skating team, overindulge on sushi and try to find the motivation to finish my first book.

I'm outspoken and loud yet internally self conscious. I have a mild obsession with scarves and shoes and am passionate about organ donation. (Have you registered your consent yet?) I'm also a crazy cat lover, who doesn't have a cat at the moment... Yet.

Ask me anything about synchronized skating or the importance of giving back and I could talk your ear off, but I could care less about Simpsons references, (most) politics, yoga and catty girls. Can't we all just get along?

If I could live anywhere in the world, it'd be Paris.... Probably because I haven't travelled enough to know about the countless other beautiful places in the world. (More travelling is on my bucket list!)

This blog is my unfiltered brain dump - everything from work to friends and family to personal experiences and opinions on things that I generally have no business commenting on all injected with a little bit of sarcasm.

Grab a glass of pinot and join me in my adventures as I blog from my tiny, overpriced west coast apartment and hopefully inspire a few laughs along the way. Life is, after all, too short to be serious all the time and drink bad wine.

11 Things About Me

1. I can't fold a fitted sheet to save my life.

2. I'm indecisive when it comes to relatively small decisions and make big decisions without much thought. I'll spend hours wasting time thinking about whether or not I should have bought a top, but when asked if I wanted to move to BC, I said yes without hesitation.

3. I really, really hate spiders. Almost as much as I hate people who blow their nose and look at the Kleenex.

4. I used to want to be a ballerina when I was younger but quickly realized I was far too clumsy and no where near flexible enough.

5. I have three siblings I'd move Heaven and earth to help or protect. We're incredibly close and they're three of the most important people in my life.

6. Back in the glory days, I used to be a competitive synchronized skater and was part of the national team. I had the privilege of representing our beautiful country against some of the top junior competitive teams in the world at competitions in France and Prague. Now my claim to fame is that I’m a Just Dance master – versions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Take that, Ricky Martin.

7. I think giving back to the community is one of the most meaningful contributions we can make. It doesn't have to be huge - a few hours a week at a shelter or a small donation from your paycheque - goes a long way to making our neighbourhoods and cities a better place. (Bleeding heart: check.)

8. I've never lived in another country. Moving across Canada was a huge move for me at the time and I thought I was brave for doing it. Now that I've expanded my horizons (slightly), I'm hoping to one day have that experience.

9. There was once a time where I couldn't even boil an egg. No, really. Living on my own forced me to learn a lot of survival normal life skills, including how to make a killer meal and balance a budget.

10. If I could eat pasta every meal and not be the size of a house, I would. Carbs are my kryptonite.

11. I swear. A lot. No, really. Sometimes I wonder if I were a trucker in my previous life. 

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